

传 真:18811329313



Misapplication of Electrocardiogram (ECG)

作者:456852 更新时间:2024-04-23 点击数:

Despite the maturity and wide application, the problems of misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis for heart diseases by ECG cannot be solved yet. An ECG shows the voltage differences between different body surfaces. It is clear that surface electrocardiogram is a sum of vectors of electric potentials from the body. One approach by WM is electro-physiologic studies using intracardiac electrodes, which emphasizes electric potentials produced from various parts inside of the heart. By the holistic bioelectricity flow theory, the voltage differences detected in any surface is not only from inside of heart but is the integrated bioelectricity of all organs inside the body, not the health of the heart alone, as has been assumed.


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主办单位:北京神康康复医院 北京神康医用科技有限公司

支持单位: 山东省教育厅,山东科协,山东农业大学,山东滨州医学院,北京大学医学部,北京军区总医院,安徽太和县中医院,世界针灸学会联合会

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