

传 真:18811329313



Molecular Bioelectricity Health and Metabolic Diseases

作者:456852 更新时间:2024-04-23 点击数:

Any inorganic, organic molecules and even DNA and protein molecules all have their unique electrical properties -- charges, number of charges, and distribution of charges. Soluble molecules in water will reveal the ionic state, the positive charges and negative charges. 

First, molecular electrical properties directly affect the permeability of cell membranes. A cell membrane is composed of phospholipids. If the polarity of phospholipids is weakened, the cell membrane will deform or rupture and the permeability of cell membranes will be changed. Therefore,some bigger molecules will leak out from cells to the blood, and can be detected in the blood. Taking hepatitis as example, the permeability liver cellular membranes will be changed and some enzymes will leak out and detected in high blood levels.

Second, the function of protein is determined by the activities of its charge regions. If the charge is neutralized, the protein will be inactivated and it will thus lose function.

Third, the resting potential and the action potential of a cell are generated by the movement of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium ions inside and outside the cell’s membrane. Without the flow of ions, there will be no formation of cellular bioelectricity and no cell functions.

Fourth, the high concentration of molecular charges is the cause of edema, and the low concentration of molecular charges is the reason for dehydration. When acute injury happens, the dead cells will release a variety of charged material, leading to a high concentration of charges in the affected area. Therefore, body water will flow to dilute the charges in order to achieve a status of balanced charges. The retention of a large number of water molecules will rapidly produce swelling, and subsequently cause the decline of local cell function. 


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