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Analysis on Effectiveness of BERT system On 19 Different Diseases

作者:456852 更新时间:2024-04-23 点击数:


Channel Bioelectricity Technology (CBT) is an innovated technology based on channel bioelectricity theory proposed by Dr. WANG Yuling, and its mechanism is to resonance the channels. CBT shares the same indications as acupuncture and even in a wide spectrum.

This report has randomly observed 1165 patients treated with CBT, involved 19 different types of diseases. The result showed that the CBT can produce as good effectiveness as other medical technologies.

Keywords: Channel Bioelectricity technology (BRT), effectiveness, epilepsyrare illness


IClinical data collection

Patients treated by CBT from June 2009 till the end of 2011the total number is 1165 and Some patients were treated at PLA General Hospital Beijing, other medical institutions and non-medical institutions.

IITreatment methods

The practitioners used SKY-303J or SKY-303Y Bioelectricity Reviser. It was done by one times per day, each time for 10-60 minutes.

IIIeffectiveness evaluation

Evaluation is made by comparison with the current medical technology. Pain is the main evaluation index for functional diseases, and the effect depends on patients’ feelings.

1. Significant Effective: the effect is better than other treatment, and the patients are satisfied.

2. Effect: there is no difference with current medical treatment technology.

3. No-effect: there is no effect at all.



Many patients had received various treatments before they received CBT treatment. From table 1, it is showed that CBT is effective for many diseases including epilepsy, and Meniere's syndrome, etc. The CBT is effective for common diseases like swollen etc.(table 1).


Comparison with TCM technology and Western Medicine technology

In order to compare the effectiveness of CBT on the above 19 different diseases, the reference rate reported by different treatment technologies were searched and used for comparison analysis.


1. Analysis on gynecological inflammations among different treatment methods 

The treatment methods used for reference on gynecological inflammationcan be seen in table 2. The effective rate is between 86.15-100%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 88.24%Statistical analysis results showed no significant difference among groups.

 Table 2Statistical Analysis on the effectiveness treated with different methods on gynecological inflammations



2. Analysis on liver diseases among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on liver diseasecan be seen in table 3. The effective rate is between 88.2-96%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 100%Statistical analysis results showed no significant difference among groups.

Table 3Statistical Analysis on the effectiveness treated with different methods on liver disease


3. Analysis on shoulder pains among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on shoulder pains can be seen in table 4. The effective rate is between 96-100%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 97.06 %Statistical analysis results showed no significant difference among groups.

Table 4Statistical Analysis on the effectiveness treated with different methods on shoulder pains


4. Analysis on cervical spondylosis among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on cervical spondylosis can be seen in table 5. The effective rate is between 87.27-100%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 93.24%Statistical analysis results showed no significant difference among groups. 

 Table 5Statistical Analysis on the effectiveness treated with different methods on cervical spondylosis



7. Analysis on trigeminal neuralgia among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on trigeminal neuralgia can be seen in table 8. The effective rate is between 82.61-95.65%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 88.24%Statistical analysis results showed no significant difference among groups.

Table 8Statistical Analysis on the effectivenesstreated with different methods on trigeminal neuralgia




10. Analysis on paralysis among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on paralysis can be seen in table 11. The effective rate is between 90-100%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 99.10%Statistical analysis results showed that the CBT produce significant high effectiveness compared with General External treatment.


12. Analysis on gastric infection among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on gastric infection can be seen in table 13. The effective rate is between 79.4-94.5%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 93%Statistical analysis results showed that the CBT produce significant high effectiveness compared with acupuncture.


13. Analysis on sinusitis among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on sinusitis can be seen in table 14. The effective rate is between 77.3-98.1%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 83%Statistical analysis results showed that the CBT produce significant high effectiveness compared with acupuncture.


15. Analysis on headache among different treatment methods

The treatment methods used for reference on headache can be seen in table 16. The effective rate is between 82.00-97.2%, while CBT produce effectiveness at 97%Statistical analysis results showed no significant difference among groups

Table 16Statistical Analysis on the effectiveness treated with different methods on headache





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